The third day of the Olympiad Diary

Today the jury members are up to checking the theoretical round works and the schoolchildren had the opportunity to attend master-classes and a lecture.

Participants from Peru, Venezuela and Russia programmed a robot mousetrap using Lego WeDo 2.0. Representatives of Belarus attended a master-class on laser cutting and pupils from Uzbekistan created their own florarium and learned more about landscape design. All the participants were also able to draw postcards with pastels or paint a space picture.
After lunch, the lecture by the Leading Research Fellow of the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science in Physicho-mathematical Sciences Nikolay Samus was organized for the participants and team leaders. He told the audience about variable stars.
“Variable stars are cosmic objects that change their brightness over time”
Tomorrow the participants will demonstrate their knowledge while solving practical round problems. Follow the updates on the website. Photos are available in the album on the VK platform.
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