• 1
    Who makes up the Olympiad team?
    There are up to 6 participants, up to 2 team leaders and up to 2 observers in the team.
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    What is the age of the Olympiad participants?
    The age of the Olympiad participants included in the team must not exceed 18 years.
  • 3
    What do the participants pay for?
    Travel of the participants and team leaders is paid for by the sending party. Accommodation and meals are paid for by the Olympiad organizer.
    The fixed registration fee for observers is 600 USD.
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    Which formats of participation are available?
    Both the full-time and online formats are available.
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    Where is the Olympiad planning to be held?
    The Olympiad will take place in the Federal Territory “Sirius” on the basis of the Educational Foundation “Talent and success” objects.
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    Where can I find the last year’s assignments?
    You can get acquainted with the last year’s assignments on the website.
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    In which language will the Olympiad rounds be organized?
    The official language of the Olympiad is English. All the participants will be given access to the English-national dictionaries of terms.
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    Is individual participation in the Olympiad available?
    No, only team participation is implied.
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