The seventh day of the Olympiad Diary

All the Olympiad rounds have ended, and today the participants of the Open World Astronomy Olympiad attended a tour of the “Sochi Autodrom” and tried their hand at the intellectual game at the Presidential Lyceum “Sirius”.
The modern “Sochi Autodrom” race track appeared in the Olympic Park in October 2014. The pupils had the opportunity to visit the main grandstand, the podium where the winners are awarded, as well as the area closed to the public where race control zones, pits and the media center are located.

After the excursion, the schoolchildren took part in the intellectual game organized by the specialists of the Presidential Lyceum “Sirius”. It included logical tasks and questions related to the peculiarities of the national culture and cuisine of the participating countries.
Tomorrow the closing and awarding ceremony is going to be held. You can join the broadcast on the YouTube channel or on the VK-platform.
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